Lutz Driessen “Comrade”

3. October 2023,

Cabinet of Kaput No. 59

Lutz Driessen
Linoldruckfarbe auf Papier
18 x 180 cm

As a resident of the Bauwagenplatz “Wem Gehört Die Welt” (Who owns the world), I dreamed of organizing a concert or bar evening in which a player piano would play pieces by Conlon Nancarrow – better yet, two or three! This would then run continuously, a fireplace would be burning, and in between the guests.
With my friend Thies I organized a series of concerts that actually took place. One part of it, which was a lot of fun, was designing the flyers for them.

Based on that, the piece for “Cabinet of Kaput” has now been created. Something similar to a flyer. For an impossible concert. Long and repetitive. Like the punched
rolls of Conlon Nancarrow’s player pianos.

I was always ashamed of the very good name “Wem Gehört Die Welt” in the beginning. Hid that as “BWP WGDW.” I find the name now super. The place itself has given an answer for me for some time. Unfortunately, that was some time ago.

The answer Comrade Nancarrow gives to it is valid!


Lutz Driessen “black midi + black midi = black midi”



On view at JUBG in Cologne between October 6 and November 4: Lutz Driessen “dying”
A limited edition record will be released to accompany the exhibition. Further information:

There will also be a concert on October 28 at 6 p.m. in the gallery, where Axel Porath and Dirk Rothbrust (Ensemble Musikfabrik) will make music with Mik Quantius on Partch instruments.

Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop | Aquinostrasse 1 | Zweites Hinterhaus, 50670 Köln | Germany
Herausgeber & Chefredaktion:
Thomas Venker & Linus Volkmann
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Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop
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