Cabinet of Kaput

Céline Keller “Who Is Afraid of Degrowth?”

2. February 2024,

Cabinet of Kaput No. 66

Céline Keller
“Who Is Afraid of Degrowth?”

A Graphic Novel About the Misunderstandings of Degrowth
(202 pages, including 44 pages with links to all the quote sources)

How come some of the most powerful men on earth feel threatened by a movement whose mascot is a little snail?

Despite the existence of a wealth of academic literature on degrowth and repeated efforts to debunk the most common myths, some of the controversies about degrowth seem to never vanish or evolve. During the last few decades, scholars and activists alike have had to spend a lot of their time and energy debunking climate disinformation from the fossil fuel industry. But since degrowthers focus not only on demanding climate action but are also questioning economic growth, degrowth has attracted some very influential enemies from outside the fossil fuel industry. These enemies wield powers that the old climate denial promoters could have only dreamed of.

Does “racist and growth-obsessed tech-bro billionaires accelerate the climate crisis because they believe this will help create the AI ‘god’ necessary for them to become immortal and escape to Mars” sound like maybe an acceptable plot for a comic book but definitely not reality to you? Then this graphic novel is for you.

‘Who Is Afraid of Degrowth’ explains the most common myths and persistent misunderstandings of degrowth and why they are wrong. It contains quotes from a wide range of experts woven into an engaging narrative that aims to make the debate about degrowth and economics accessible to climate activists, teachers, students, workers, parents, and anyone else who isn’t a classical economist but wants to help stop climate breakdown. It is a new way to learn about the history and interconnectedness of the many problems humanity has to solve to have a chance at a liveable future, and why whose voices and what contexts are left out of public discourse matter.

Donate to get your printed copy or download it for free!


Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop | Aquinostrasse 1 | Zweites Hinterhaus, 50670 Köln | Germany
Herausgeber & Chefredaktion:
Thomas Venker & Linus Volkmann
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Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop
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