Pack journalism sucks
Nice to watch a rocket launch. Up, up it goes. And then there’s the Kaboom and the New Years rocket bursts into a rain of golden sparkles. Online journalism shows similar mechanisms. Attention rises so very fast – everybody wants to join the flight until a sudden burnout ends all the interest. Nothing lasts long or goes deep.
And there is an analogy to be drawn to the kingdom of pop: In the older days there were much more music magazines with each of them having their particular focus. Nowadays commentatorship follows the law of the pack. Everybody is on. In blogs, newsfeeds and editorial offices. You have to read a rash of texts about the one record which seems to be the centre of the world. Until – next month – it magically disappears. Was it really that good? Well, that’s not the point. The pack just doesn’t want to miss the consensus. And moves on faster and faster every time.
A picture posted by the press promoter from Casper (a famous german arist) underlines this…
What does this picture tell you?
a) This Casper must be the best artist alive …
b) There are way too many music magazines …
c) Potatoe …
Wherever you go – the pack is there already. But don’t expect this mass hysteria to provide any interesting ideas. It’s just a about consuming – and about the commodity character of music und journalism. The rocket rises – but soon enough you will realise that the golden sparkles resemble a golden shower. Piss off, pack!