Beiträge mit dem Stichwort "AGF"

Records of the Week

AGF „poemproducer” / Laurel Halo „Atlas“

AGF „poemproducer” AGF Producktion (Morr Distriibution) After years in which AGF mainly worked c…

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Linernotes to Various Artists “Monika Werkstatt“ (Monika Enterprises 90)

Monika Werkstatt: Nothing less than absolute total freedom

Are you for real? Does anyone out there really think that artists could be involved in a project tha…

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Resonate Festival 2017

AGF, Phill Niblock, Yves Tumor and bleeding ears

Again and again it’s a surprising experience to fly in for a gathering like Resonate festival, wit…

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Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop | Aquinostrasse 1 | Zweites Hinterhaus, 50670 Köln | Germany
Herausgeber & Chefredaktion:
Thomas Venker & Linus Volkmann
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Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop
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