Beiträge mit dem Stichwort "Caribou"

New Music for the 1st of May

“Meet me before the party, I don’t want to walk in alone Maybe we can blow it off, go do something on our own”

New Music for the 1st of May . "Meet me before the party, I don’t want to walk in alone Maybe we…

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Primavera Sound 2022

E´s & Wizz in Barcelona – back to Primavera Sound Lalaland

even if you missed 3/4 of what you had on the longlist, the shortlist you experienced should provide…

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Thank Me Later – Playlist

Thank Me Later w/ Geoffroy

One of the nicer side effects of the current situation are live streams on a regular basis. Whether …

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Record of the week

Hot Chip “Why Make Sense?”

There is more than one opinion in pop criticism. We're celebrating the difference and the arguments.…

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Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop | Aquinostrasse 1 | Zweites Hinterhaus, 50670 Köln | Germany
Herausgeber & Chefredaktion:
Thomas Venker & Linus Volkmann
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Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop
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