Beiträge mit dem Stichwort "Photographer"

Danielle De Picciotto & friends in conversation with Lyndelle-Jayne Spruyt (L.J.Spruyt)

 Lyndelle-Jayne Spruyt (L.J.Spruyt): “I’ve often been told my work is very ‘dark’, I’m not sure this is true”

"You also couldn't afford to buy endless rolls of film, paper and chemicals–so the photos you took…

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Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop | Aquinostrasse 1 | Zweites Hinterhaus, 50670 Köln | Germany
Herausgeber & Chefredaktion:
Thomas Venker & Linus Volkmann
Autoren, Fotografen, Kontakt
Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop
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