Support Kaput
Dear Kaput readers,
like for many others the current Corona pandemic is creating an existential crisis for our team of freelancers and also the editorial team. Until today we all contributed within the last five years for free to Kaput (with exception of the guest-editoral-series). That was simply only possible cause we all made our money somewhere else.
Now we all see those other contracts one by one disappearing – therefor we would we very happy if you consider supporting us with a one time payment or even a monthly contribution.
There are two ways of supporting us, either you paypal us a single contribution:
you become a monthly supporter of Kaput via our Steady page:
One way or another, our gratiude is assured to you.
Best reagrds from Cologne,
Linus Volkmann and Thomas Venker for the team behind Kaput – Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop
PS: And of course we totally understand when this is the wrong time and you are not able to support us right now.