Joyce Muniz: “Music has to touch me in a way that I can feel it in my body & soul”
The Brazilian-Austrian musician and dj Joyce Muniz is closely associated with the Vienna labels G-Stone and Klein Records. Joyce was so kind to participate in Katja Ruge´s”Electric Lights – Women in Electronic Music” project.
What do you hope to find in music?
Joyce Muniz: A message – doesn’t matter if it has lyrics or not! Music has to touch me in a way that I can feel it in my body & soul.
What do you prefer, the seclusive working process in a studio or the live presentation of your music in front of the audience?
I love both processes. Most of the time when I am working on music I visualise the dance floor in front of me. Even if it’s not a classic dance floor sound, I visualise people listening to it in the car, on the couch or in the bedroom. It’s a privilege to be able to connect with people through my own music.
Please name female artists without whose music you wouldn’t be producing music?
One of two female artists that really influenced me was the Drum & bass duo Kemistry & Storm. Back in the 90´s we didn’t have so many female djs and producers active like in nowadays. Beside being two amazing djs they also produced cool tunes. Kemistry & Storm were definitely my biggest inspiration in electronic underground music. Also because when I start djing I used to play drum & bass as well. Sadly Kemistry died very young. It was a very sad loss for my generation.
Your most beautiful experience focused on your music?
One of the most beautiful experiences was when I played my remix of Paul Simon to my grandparents. It was the first time that they understood my work and I could see in their face how happy they were of me remixing one of their favourite artists.
Do you see a connection between your femininity and your work? And if so what is it?
I think the connection of femininity in my work is definitely the groove, I love to dance, I love to move my body. I think the sensuality of a female artist is very different from a male artist. I am not saying the male artists don’t have any sensuality.
What is your favorite app/technology/instrument to create sounds with?
I am a bass lover and one of the most important gear that I have been using on my latest production is the moog subsequent 37 analog synthesiser. This piece became the soul of my productions and also the minibrute 2S from Arturia is another piece that I have been using a lot. I don’t have to many gears in my studio. I try to keep things minimal.
This interview with Joyce Muniz is part of the ongoing photo-project “Electric Lights – Women in Electronic Music” by Hamburg based photographer Katja Ruge and Kaput co-publisher Thomas Venker focused on the role of women in electronic music.
Each photoshoot is accompanied by a short interview, based on a personalised questionnaire. The interviews will be published on the kaput website on a monthly basis, before finding their way into a book.
Hair/Make Up Astrid Holk
Assistance Vinyltaxi
Thank You Jessica Broscheit &
CSTI (Creative Space For Technical Innovation)
in Hamburg for the help & location