Kaput Mix 001 – DJ Brom

Kaput Mix: DJ Brom – Kein Nichts!

Chūi no chūi: Kaput Mix 001 by DJ Brom


Cover by Kieran Kaul, Photo by Mathias Schmitt

Kieran, we kind of did start driving forth this mix last summer. And now it is finally finished: Why did it take so long?

That is due to several factors. Recording 4-hour mixes is nothing I do in everyday life, although I am someone who likes to play long sets. At first, I thought I just might record a set at a suitable opportunity, but somehow I didn’t get around to do it, or the technology malfunctioned or I just wasn’t satisfied with the outcome. In addition to this, I am sometimes unsure about recording mixes since they will circulate the internet for years – even if I might move in another direction in the meantime. As a result, I took to see my mixes as contemporary documents of my personal development and artistic interests. In this case, I did include a couple of tracks that conceptionally originate from that time in the park when we talked about the mix for the first time.
After having tried your patience sorely, the whole thing turned into kind of a running gag between us and it finally culminated in other friends sending me affectionate reminders.

In light of so many mixes out there that all are working with the same narrow and limited sound paradigm our initial idea was to create a free format which will closely follow the original spirit of playing records. Speaking now from experience: What does it feel like?
To me, the whole thing was some kind of exercise of concentration. I enjoyed it a lot to be able to play a lot of songs in their entire length thanks to the time frame. Usually, I skip through a lot of them (especially online) since there is such a flood of music surrounding all of us every day.

Brom_DissYou did do the remix in one swoop. No breaks. No corrections. Very suitable as a dogma, so to speak. Did you prepare yourself beforehand and plan out what you wanted to play or was it all living for the moment?
Yes and no. There were a couple of tracks where I thought “you need to include them”, but in the end, during mixing, I realized that some of the tracks that on their own are really great just didn’t fit into the mix and other tracks that are not as remarkable created great synergies with one another.
Most of it I just included spontaneously and the last 90 minutes turned out increasingly emotional and maybe more intuitive/personal as well.

Do you have expectations for the listeners?
Not at all. I would actually be surprised if someone took the time to mindfully listen to all of it, which of course would be amazing. But I can relate to this because you can just play the mix in the background and in the best case find moments where you want to listen more closely.

What is your personal fave mix of all times?
“I Know What A Ghost Is” by ssaliva was one of my favorite mixes of the last two years, even though it is “just” 30 minutes long.

Let the music play: Kaput Mix 001 by DJ Brom



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