Wolfgang Müller beantwortet den Throbbing Gristle-Fragebogen
Die elfteilige Interview-Serie “MONEY OF BULLSHIT” von Veronique Homann greift den Throbbing Gristle-Fragebogen auf, der 1977 als Beilage zu deren “Second Annual Report” (Industrial Records) Album erschienen ist und sich aus 39 (un-)verwandten TG-Fragen zusammensetzt. Den Interviewten ist dabei selbst überlassen, ob sie die Fragen beantworten (und wie) oder eben nicht.
Anliegen der Autorin ist es, Informationen von (Un-)Sinn zu sammeln. Der vorliegende Katalog ist das Ergebnis dieses Unterfangens in elffacher Ausführung.
Teil 10: Wolfgang Müller
In seinem Buch “Subkultur Westberlin” beschreibt Wolfgang Müller die (Berliner) Jahre 1979-1989 und dabei seine eigene Rolle als Mitglied von Die Tödliche Doris.
1. How did you first hear about T.G.? I don’t remember.
2. Did you buy “Second Annual Report” L.P.? Yes.
3. If so did you buy it from a record shop? If “Yes”, which one? Zensor in Belziger Straße in Westberlin.
4. Did you buy the L.P. from I.R. mail order? No.
5. What equipment do you use to play records? A record-player.
6. Is the equipment yours or do you share? If you share it, with whom do you share? I own one.
7. How much approximately do you spend on records each year? Now or thirty years ago? Can you please repeat your question and ask more precisely?
8. What were the last 5 records you bought (apart from TG)? The last five records I’ve got were gifts from musicians. The music on this records they made themselves.
9. Would you say you were happy with the kind of music/sound currently commercially available? A quite suggestive question. Of course not.
10. If NOT, state why not and what you’d like: I prefer to create my own music, art and poesie – if I miss something.
11. Have you seen TG live? Yes.
12. If “Yes”, where? How many times? In SO 36, 7.11.1980. One time.
13. Do you regularly go to the cinema? In the 80ties I never missed a movie by Fassbinder.
14. What was the last film you saw? I don’t remember.
15. Do you regularly buy any newspapers/magazines? No.
16. If “Yes”, which one(s)? –
17. Do you regularly listen to any particular radio show? No.
18. If “Yes”, which one(s)? –
19. What was the last book you read? A a novel by Andy Warhol (1969).
20. How long ago was it? Few weeks.
21. What is your occupation? (if student, please state place of education) Some kind of artist.
22. What kind of shool did you go to? Mixed or single sex? Comprehensive/Grammar/Public? Grammar school.
23. Do you practice any religion? If so, what? No.
24. Do you live with your parents? No.
25. If you play the TG album or single, what time(s) of day and under what conditions do you play each? (e.g. night whilst drinking coffee, etc. The last time I played a TG’s disc (subhuman) was in Berlin, Paloma-Bar 7th October 2015 as a DJ.
26. Do you have any special skill? Yes.
27. Do you have a regular girlfriend/boyfriend? Yes.
28. Do you have any pets? No.
29. Have you ever been out of the U.K.? If “Yes”, which countries have you visited, how often? Argentina, USA, Liechtenstein, Belarussia, Japan, Greenland, Iceland, Alaska and more countries.
30. Do you have any definite political stance? If “Yes”, what is it? No. I dislike racialism, sexism, antisemitism, homophobia and similar elements in politic.
31. What type of food do you eat most often? As different as possible.
32. Do you use alcohol? What types? Sometimes. I use it for cooking and sometimes to drink.
33. Do you use tobacco? No.
34. Are you engaged in any form of musical activity yourself? If so, what? Yes. Writing lyrics for musicians and composing for myself.
35. Are you engaged in any athletic/physical activity? If so, what? No.
36. If you were writing this questionaire, what other questions would you ask people? If you have a lot of suggestions add another sheet to this with them on it. How do you do?
37. What is your greatest ambition? To have no ambition.
38. Do you have a very special obsession/fetish? May be.
39. If “Yes”, what is it? Reading and collecting nice old books about Iceland.