Thank Me Later – Playlist

Thank Me Later w/ Porridge Radio

Porridge Radio (Photo: El Hardwick)

Last week we introduced scottish folk duo The Ocelots by using a term that this week’s featured band Porridge Radio also is referred to very often: DIY. After recording their already remarkable debut „Rice, Pasta And Other Fillers“ in exactly that manner, the Brighton based foursome now had a more professional approach and traded the garage for a professional studio. Fortunately that isn’t the most obvious change on their follow-up album „Every Bad“: though the band does sound way more experienced, the album banks on known strenght: it’s raw, it’s intense and it’s enthralling.

Singer Dana Margolin throws herself into every possible human emotion and doesn’t give a shit. She’s the kind of songwriter who bravely reveals her innermost and this candour reminds of big names such as PJ Harvey or Patti Smith. So what is known – and feared – as “the difficult second album” in this case turned out to be nothing less than a masterpiece.

Sadly most concerts have been cancelled or postponed, but there’s a slight hope the Berlin show (16.9. at Badehaus) will take place. Until then keep an eye on the band’s Instagram account for fun stuff like guitar tutorials or some handicraft with Dana („How to make your own zine“). We also have a nice idea for quarantined musicians: how about a playlist? And as you’ve already guessed, our wish was answered:

„Hey, here’s some songs I like that help me feel calm and a bit better when I’m feeling a bit low, but still allow me to be a bit emo if that’s what I need. Hopefully a relatable lockdown mood …“

Clairo, Bill Callahan, Sorry, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Our Girl, boygenius – what else could we ask for?
Have a great weekend!

Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop | Aquinostrasse 1 | Zweites Hinterhaus, 50670 Köln | Germany
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