Thomas Venker Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

Thomas Venker

Thomas Venker is the co-founder and co-editor in chief of Kaput – Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop (Insolvency & Pop) and co-curator of the Köln ist Kaput concert series of the magazine; before starting Kaput in 2014 he was for 14 years Editor in Chief of Intro Magazine – Intro was in 2008 awarded with the Grimme Online Award for its (back then) futuristic webpage.
 Kaput was in 2015 awarded with the Rocco Clein award as best music magazine, followed in 2016 with the award as „best experiment“ by Verband Unabhängiger Tonträgerhersteller VUT and three Anchors for outstanding music editorials works by the Reeperbahnfestival Hamburg in 2018, 2019 and 2020. 
Currently Thomas is also part of the editorial team of Chart – Notes to consider magazine and writes frequently for a portfolio of magazines and daily newspapers – and moderates panels and symposia for cultural institutions.  Besides his journalistic work Thomas Venker teaches music journalism and artist marketing (coming from an sociologic perspective – he studied Politicial Sciences and Sociology in Stuttgart) at the Folkwang University of the Arts in Bochum / Essen, the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf and the University of Paderborn.  Thomas Venker is managing the techno dj and producer Phillip Sollmann (Efdemin) as well as the audiovisual art performance project Phantom Kino Ballett (Sarah Szczesny & Lena Willikens). He lives and works in Cologne. 

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Linus Volkmann Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

Linus Volkmann

Linus Volkmann was born 1973 in Frankfurt/Main. He published fanzines and moved to Cologne. In the new century he met his fate in the shape of Thomas Venker. Together they set fire to the popcultural magazine Intro - but in a good way. Linus Volkmann also wrote certain books and is one of Germany's most important authors in the popscene. He likes snails and drinking.

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Jens Friebe Author

Jens Friebe

Most of all Jens Friebe is a pop musician. At the end of 2014 he published his fifth album „Nackte Angst Zieh Dich An Wir Gehen Aus“ . There is also a long gone book of said to be autobiographic stories of him called , „52 Wochenenden“ (published 2006 from Kiwi, in 2008 in a so called "kritischer Ausgabe" by Verbrecher Verlag). Besides that Friebe is a regular author for daily newspapers and monthly magazines like Intro, FAZ, TAZ, Freitag, Jungle World and so on.

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Jonathan Forsythe Staff-Photographer

Jonathan Forsythe

Jonathan Forsythe is a Canadian born artist photographer based in New York for over a decade - he lived already in Williamsburg when cabs drivers denied to go over the bridge. He loves cats, bad weather and of course shooting for Kaput.

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Phillip Sollmann Author & Photographer

Phillip Sollmann

Producer and DJ, well known for his beautiful, very romantic Techno works for Dial Records. A true lover of Detroit Techno und Chicago House. In a earlier life he was a very special HipHop writer and did meet in this function the ones like Common and Timbaland for a chat.

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Claus Richter Author

Claus Richter

Claus Richter is an artist and author living and working in Cologne. He adores the years 1900, 1910, 1977 and 1982. His next show is named "Ignoranz" ("Ignorance") and will open in April 2015 in the gallery Clages, Cologne.

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Alexander Festivalhall International Editor

Alexander Festivalhall

Possessed by a weakness for sentences and a passion for pop, Alexander M. can be found trying to connect the dots (so you don't have to) from Kaput's London office. Working under the name "Alexander's Festival Hall" (because everyone should have their own arts venue, right?) - he writes and produces elegant and unfashionable songs that would make lovely gifts for the perennially wistful or near broken-hearted.

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Dana Bönisch Author

Dana Bönisch

Has worked in the past for magazines such as jetzt, Spex and Intro, has published short fiction and a novel (Rocktage") She is currently a staff member of the Comparative Literature department at the University of Bonn and is working on a PhD project that explores narratives of terrorism from the 1970s until the 'war on terror'. From 2013 to 2014, she held a Visiting Fellowship at the IGRS, University of London.

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Martin Riemann Author

Martin Riemann

Incredible dancer, hot lover, fan of woman-prison-flics and -series, and after all the ideal cast for excentric popstar with binge abysses. There is the legend that Martin Riemann managed to let even the Happy Mondys come around as early-retired-men.

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Katja Ruge Photographer

Katja Ruge

Katja Ruge is a veteran of the german music photography. Within her portfolio you find works for all leading music papers like Intro, Spex and Groove. The born north german (close to the city of Hamburg) found her way to photography via apprenticeships as photo laboratory and graphic designer. She is influenced by the photography of the late 80s and early 90s, especially the ones from folks like Herb Ritts, Wayne Maser, Bert Stern, Robert Lebeck and F.C. Gundlach (whom she was able to photograph once) - but definitely found her own way. In the centre of her pictures you will always find the person of interest and the specific atmosphere of the moment.

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Peter Abs Author

Peter Abs

Texts for magazines, record labels, galleries. Former art columnist with Spex, now overreactions and tra-la-la with Kaput.

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Justus Köhncke Author

Justus Köhncke

Justus Köhncke startet off as one third of the band Whirlpool Productions. Since 1999 until now he exists and works as a solo artist in the fields of production, performing and djing. His style is unique as he is settled between the pols Disco, House Music, Techno, Pop/" German Schlager" and sound experiments. In other words: a niche for himself. Most people do not know: long before getting unplanned in the career stream of an existence as a musician, Justus Köhncke started writing for spex magazine in 1986 as well as a city paper - for the young student a way to get free records, guest lists and a interview slot with Nico. When asked to write a column for Kaput, he was seduced by the term "Carte Blanche" as he thinks nothing is more boring as just writing about music.

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John Stanier International Staff Writer

John Stanier

Following the talk of the streets, Stanier is one of the best drummers in world. And who are we to talk against this opinion? It comes with a majestic beauty what he conjures out of his set up for his bands Battles and Tomahawk (and in the past for Helmet). A true man of passion - exactly that chased him in the arms of Kaput. He is our first International Staff Writer - which means as much as: he is the man for the most difficult interview missions.

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Alex Lemieux Author

Alex Lemieux

Our man in Qubec, Canada. A real fighter for the independence of the french-canadian region. Lives and works right now in Berlin, half time as a dj booker, half time as the road manager of Tensnake.

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Sarah Szczesny Cabinet of Kaput

Sarah Szczesny

Artist from Cologne and member of Cómeme. Works with antique artbooks for a living. Designed the Kaput signet and takes care of collages. At the moment she is looking for a new studio.

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Vivan Thi Tang Author

Vivan Thi Tang

Vivan Thi Tang is currently based in London via Brooklyn while pursuing a MA in Social Anthropology from Goldsmiths University of London. She is a Special Projects Producer and Creative Brand Consultant. You could reach her on twitter like this: @vivanthitang

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Lars Fleischmann Author

Lars Fleischmann

Born on some day in the 80s in Cologne. For a refreshing change he travels from time to time with two friends under the imprint Kame House around the world to play records and invites bands from Hamburg, New York, Melbourne and Tokio to play in King Georg. While supposed to write invoices and do some boring office stuff, he prefers to write about music and films and to forget everything he did learn in his unfinished studies.

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Michael Schleeh Author

Michael Schleeh

Former band member of Foetus Features, Bhang Dextro and Mink Stole. Energetic man behind the asian film blog Schneeland as well as author for Filmgazette, Hard Sensations and Negativ.

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Roman Szczesny Video Director

Roman Szczesny

Studies art at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in the class of Marcel Odenbach.

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Max Freudenschuss Author

Max Freudenschuss

From Monday till Friday Max Freudenschuß is following a regular job. He is married and got one son. Statisticly he will live 39 more years - and he will give his best to use this time for melancholy. His hobbies are music (current favorite label is Planet Mu), chatting and online chess. Search and find him on Facebook, he loves new friends.

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Anton Teichmann Author

Anton Teichmann

Born and raised in Berlin. Studied Political Science, but decided to go for the great possibilities of music industry. Worked so far with some Berlin based independent labels and agencies. Lately he started his own label Mansions and Millions. Sometimes Anton is hosting DIY concerts, he manages bands, on tour and also at home.

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Sebastian Ingenhoff Author

Sebastian Ingenhoff

Sebastian Ingenhoff is a Cologne based author of fiction and nonfiction. He runs together with Roland Wilhelm the Tapelabel Camp Magnetics and the Techno imprint Camp Inc..

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Tobias Fritzsche Lector

Tobias Fritzsche

Tobias Fritzsche studied Political Science in Aachen before starting his acting career at the Stadttheater Aachen. With the ensemble of Schauspiel Köln hewon the Theaterpreis 2009. He produced several radio plays for WDR and Deutschlandradio Kultur. Tobias Fritzsche has been the singer of S.C. Hund and right now is singer and keyboarder of "Die Ölmöven".

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Oliver Tepel Author

Oliver Tepel

Owns his great youth to Steve Strange. if not writing, finding things, rehearsal dances or watching soccer with his cat, he dreams of visiting a Dosso Dossi exhibition in Paris and for once talking to Robert Hunter.

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Infinite Greyscale Records Authors

Infinite Greyscale Records

Founded in 2011 by Paul McDevitt (right in the picture) and Cornelius Quabeck with David Hubbard, Infinite Greyscale Records is an artist run record label based in Berlin and Düsseldorf. In 2014 they released the limited edition 10" "Body Sound by" Holly Herndon.

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Saskia Timm Author

Saskia Timm

Saskia Timm was born in Hamburg. She traded a possible school exam against the fancy world of Noise-Label Amphetamine Reptile Records. After several failures to pay of her "deckle" at the Mutter bar in Hamburg with either djing or bar tendering, she left the city by night to Berlin. The last years she hangs around a lot on Facebook and works on her first book. If you wanna hang with Saskia Timm, the night is the right time. The biggest success in life so far: winning the „Low Budget Video of the Year 1997“ of VIVA tv station with her clip for Happy Grindcore.

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Christina Mohr Author

Christina Mohr

CM lives and works in Frankfurt/Main, where she also was born some decades ago. Besides kaput she writes for Spex, Missy Magazine, die an.schlaege and, loves bumblebees, is neither able to bake a cake nor drive a car and is still considering a late career as crazy catwoman in Cornwall.

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Aida Baghernejad Author

Aida Baghernejad

Lives an unspectacular Easyjetset-lifestyle commuting between Berlin and London. Writes about food, popular culture and the world we live in for a variety of magazines. When she’s not climbing from deadline to deadline, she works on her PhD on Street Food and the Creative Industry at King’s College.

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Carolin Winzbeck

Carolin Winzbeck

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Mario Lasar Author

Mario Lasar

Mario Lasar is known for his master knowledge of Sound Magazine (a very important German music magazine from the 70s) as well as „Der-Kommissar“ (German thriller tv series). He studied Germanistic and Anglistic, but somehow missed the train to a full-time job. He tries to forget that fact by writing for music magazines and living from the fame coming along with that. The beard on the photo is all fake by the way.

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Lisa Schmidt-Herzog Author

Lisa Schmidt-Herzog

Studies English and German philology as well as science of art, but also feels called to put in her two cents in the fields of fashion, music and society. Offers priceless performance at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities when she investigates phenomena of mediatization plus their effects and, en passant, develops expert knowledge on copiers and coffee machines. Has good ideas the world isn’t ready for yet, but make haste slowly and Rome wasn’t built in a day either, which is why many roads are leading there. Lisa loves sayings.

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Roman Lehnhof Author

Roman Lehnhof

Lives and writes in Cologne.

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Mesut Gürsoy Author

Mesut Gürsoy

Mesut Gürsoy is a Berlin based songwriter and musician. He worked in the past with East Cameron Folkore, Felidae Trick and Roman Fischer, right now he is the live drummer of the Audiolith Electro-Pop duo Tubbe.

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Ben De Biel Photographer

Ben De Biel

Is a Berlin based documentary-fotografer since 1990. Primarily he is documenting his own, and the life of his friends and enviroment. He is taken picutres where he is at the moment and what impresses him most on this places. He does not arrange any of his pictures either searching for stories to shoot. He loves fotografy and try to refuse contract work.

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Friedemann Dupelius Author

Friedemann Dupelius

Friedemann Dupelius lives in Cologne and likes letters and sounds. He turns them to texts and radio features, radio plays and music as Friday Dunard. He's aiming for careers as a sportswriter and palaeontologist.

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Michel Leuffen Author

Michel Leuffen

ML writes regularly for publications such as Groove, or Stw2d, curates the Carhartt WIP Radio show and is responsible for the monthly radio show 150Session on Radio Cómeme and NTS Radio.

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Frank Spilker Author

Frank Spilker

Frank Spilker is a member of Hamburg based band Die Sterne and an author of the critical acclaimed book "Es interessiert mich nicht, aber das kann ich nicht beweisen".

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Henje Richter Author

Henje Richter

Being raised an indie kid, Henje Richter these days blogs about electronic music on and is a regular author at Intro magazine. In his other life, he is working at the Computer Games Museum in Berlin and writing his PhD thesis in museum theory.

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Abel Auer Author

Abel Auer

The visual artist Abel Auer started in the 90s in Hamburg the artist group Akademie Isotrop. In the 00s he worked with Kai Althoff, Armin Krämer and Dorota Jurcza on several projects. After years in Brussels he is now relocaded in South Germany and involved in he local music scene - which should be understood as a critic on the art world. In 2014 he started the art room "Staub", located within the Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, part salon, part workshop, part exhibition room - the last under the imprint Galerie Claire Lacroix.

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Nadine Schildhauer Author

Nadine Schildhauer

Nadine Schildhauer left the German side kick town of Lutherstadt for Berlin to study politics and philosophy on the fast lane. Since then she is stranded in town and produces thoughts other people print or put online. That’s the story.

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Alex Wissel Cabinet of Kaput

Alex Wissel

Alex Wissel is an artist and works in pr for Lederlust, Single Club, the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf and Klüngel.

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Christian Meyer-Pröpstl Author

Christian Meyer-Pröpstl

Born 1970 in Cologne. Studied History of Art. Published about art, but soon switched to music journalism (De:Bug, intro, various City Journals). Then he startet as a filmcritic (Filmdienst, Zeit-Online, intro, various City Journals). Since then, he tries to write equally about music, movies and his third passion comics (Strapazin, Filmdienst, various City Journals).

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Fatma Erkus Lektorat / proofreading

Fatma Erkus

Fatma is f***ing intelligent, uber-cool, unbelievably handsome, super funny and has both amazing style and excellent taste. Also she is notoriously single. ALAWP | BOX 28064212

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Thomas Praus Author

Thomas Praus

Thomas Praus ist a DJ, blogger and is working with the internets. His favorite saying is: "writing about music is like dancing to architecture". You find him as @stylewalker and on

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Amira El-Kordy Author

Amira El-Kordy

Amira lives in Düsseldorf where she just finished her studies in linguistics. While she is figuring out what her professional future could look like, she does a bit of this and that around music, culture and children. Among other things, she works for Open Source Festival, at Tonhalle Düsseldorf and occasionally writes for indie magazine Crazewire.

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Jon Berry Author

Jon Berry

Jon Berry comes from the depths of southern Alberta and now resides in Berlin. Somehow he convinced the music industry to allow him to work in it, so thats what he does for a living. He loves pony rides, long walks in the ocean and writing about music he knows absolutely nothing about.

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Felix Klopotek Author

Felix Klopotek

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Andre Bosse Author

Andre Bosse

When André Boße (1974) discovered his love affair with pop music, the Thompson Twins were the big thing. And when he got into soccer, the HSV was a real big player team. It is obvious that one has to cultivate a critical position coming from those points of view. That said: Andre loves to watch soccer as a hobby and make a living from writing about music for several magazines. He lives and works in Cologne.

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Bianca Xenia Jankovska Author

Bianca Xenia Jankovska

After one year shift work for the biggest german news house Bianca Xenia Jankovska was sick of all this "more of the same" content and said goodbye. Now she goes full-time for the shabby sides of life, pop culture and food.

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Julian Gerhard Author

Julian Gerhard

In addition to all 120 stars at Mario 64, Julian Gerhard owns a study graduation of Scenic Research. The great music magazins Wah2 and Zwobot have prepared him for life – today he is devoting himself to artistic journalistic hybridizations, such as radio features or devising theatre.

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Paula Irmschler Author

Paula Irmschler

Paula Irmschler was born in east-germany, but she's okay. Now she's living in cologne and where she babysits jackets in a club. She studies political science and does facebook things. She writes for Intro, Musikexpress, and Neues Deutschland. Pfeffi!

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Jonas Eickhoff Author

Jonas Eickhoff

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Michael Kolepke Author

Michael Kolepke

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Christoph Voy Photographer

Christoph Voy

Christoph Voy, Berlin born and based photographer. Working and shooting Rock`n Roll life for 15 years now. Startingcrew of Vice Germany in 2006, steadily working for Vice, Intro, Spex and others. Taking pictures for the Berlin rap group K.I.Z. since 10 years. Trying to shoot all rock icons who are still alive.

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Danielle de Picciotto Author

Danielle de Picciotto

Danielle de Picciotto is an American musician living in Berlin. In 1998, she founded the Love Parade with Dr Motte. From 1990 till 1995 she was the singer of the HipHop band Space Cowboys. In 1996 she founded the Ocean Club together with Gudrun Gut and since 2001 her parnter in crime has been Alexander Hacke from Einstüzende Neubauten. Since 2015 her solo albums are being represented by Moabit Records. Danielle has been touring the world since 1995 with her concert performances and interdisciplinary projects.

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Timor Kaul Author

Timor Kaul

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Britta Tekotte Author

Britta Tekotte

Britta Tekotte is Voice- & Rhetoric-Coach, Speaker and Author and sometimes also plays music with friends, she lives in Cologne.

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Sabine Schiffer Cabinet of Kaput

Sabine Schiffer

Sabine Schiffer studied literature history and art history in Cologne. She is living and working in the city. She was from 2016 till 2019 director of the Daniel Buchholz Gallery in Cologne. Sabine curates together with Sarah Szczesny „Cabinet of Kaput“.

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Lukas Klemp Author

Lukas Klemp

Studies Popular Music and Media in Paderborn and writes about pop music, celluloid and everything that appears to be erroneous. Apart from kaput, his texts also appear in Spex, JUICE and ALL GOOD.

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Antoniodeluca Author


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Jeden Tag ein Rant Author

Jeden Tag ein Rant

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Kevin Goonewardena Author

Kevin Goonewardena

Doin‘ his thing since the mid 2000s, starting with Punk-fanzines just as Trust, Ox and Drachenmädchen, now covering a wide range of on- and offline publications. Print still matters, ok? Wasted years in the middle of nowhere to study culture management where van Gogh lived for about two month far before his breakthrough and Bluetooth is said to have been invented. He covers especially Techno, German HipHop and stories from the margins of society within his work. Lives and works in the city of Hamburg.

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Maurice Funken Author

Maurice Funken

Pop culture enthusiast, comic book reader and studied art historian. In 2018 Maurice Funken became director of NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, curating contemporary art exhibitions.

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Thomas Weidenhaupt Photographer

Thomas Weidenhaupt

Thomas Weidenhaupt is a photographer and wannabe-DJ living in Aachen. He likes electronic music, art, queer culture and books and dreams of living in a proper city someday. Thomas

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Silvia Silko Autor

Silvia Silko

With Nirvanas "Nevermind" Silvia didn't just found an outlet for her Teenage Angst, she also got some career inspiration: music journalist. After studying German, Philosophy, Pop and finishing her traineeship at a lifestlye magazine, she writes for taz, Musikexpress and Noizz about Traveling and Culture but still likes best to write about Pop.

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Marta Hrecznyj Author

Marta Hrecznyj

Marta is an occasional writer interested in human-interaction, music, and performance.

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Wolfgang Frömberg Author

Wolfgang Frömberg

Wolfgang Frömberg ist freier Autor aus Köln. Er war Redakteur bei Spex und Intro und betreut die Filmredaktion der Stadtrevue. Neben zwei Romanen hat er den Ratgeber "How To Play Fußball" (Strzelecki Books) veröffentlicht, dazu organisiert er die Reihe "Literatur zur Zeit" im King Georg. Außerdem ist er als langjähriger Spielertrainer der Lentpark Schwalben und Verfasser der Schwalbenhymne ein Veteran des Hoppelwiesenfußballs.

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Andrew Duke Author

Andrew Duke

Andrew Duke has been writing about music since 1981. Duke has been a columnist for a variety of magazines including Vice, Weekly Dig, and Streetsound (US), Eve and Tuck Shop (UK), Dalhousie Gazette and Cognition (Canada). He has contributed to a plethora of magazines around the world including Computer Music and Magic Feet (UK), Shout (Italy), Plastik (Poland), XZ (Yugoslavia/Serbia), House of Techno (France), XLR8R, Urb, e/i, Grooves, Igloo, Shovel, Net, Under One Sky, Trip, Hardsync, Fix, Worldly Remains, More Sugar, and Angbase (US), GCFC (Guild of Canadian Film Composers) Spotting Notes, Exclaim, The Coast, Electric Atlantic, Klublife, Velocity, and Profile (Canada), and many others. More informations:

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Felix Nisblé Author

Felix Nisblé

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hansnieswandt Author


Hans Nieswandt. Dj. Producer. Head gonzo at Institut für Populäre Musik der Folkwang Universität der Künste.

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MarleneStark Author


Marlene Stark is a dj, producer and author. Soon there will be a release on Berlin based label Eine Welt and on the Danish imprint Music for Dreams. At the beginning of 2019 Marlene released her first book, "M", together with author Anna Gien.

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Annett Scheffel

Annett Scheffel

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Julia Lorenz

Julia Lorenz

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Fabian Peltsch works and lives in Beijing and Berlin. As culture and music journalist and Co-founder of the international media startup "Subtropical Asia" he tries to realign our idea of "world music" by giving global perspectives on pop culture that aren't getting lost in exotic imaginations. He frequently contributes to music, art and news media outlets within Germany and China like Rolling Stone, Musikexpress, PIQD and RADII.

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Veronique Homann

Veronique Homann

It is due to her anti-career in music journalism that Veronique Homann discovered the Throbbing Gristle questionnaire while working in a Berlin record shop and then turned it into the starting point of her eleven-part interview series. It took her four years to complete this project. In the meantime, she wrote "word systems", had exhibitions in a bar and a museum (but never in a gallery) and published in the Viennese street magazine Augustin.

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Simon Rösel

Simon Rösel

Simon studied literature in Hamburg. He worked in advertising and is now teaching it as well. Right now he writes his first novel like every other copywriter does. His musical love is dedicated to Dream Pop, the Pet Shop Boys and his own Band Drama which will soon enter the stages.

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Benedict Weskott Benedict Weskott entdeckte schon früh seine Liebe zu Musik und den Gesprächen darüber. Sein Masterstudium der Sozialwissenschaft in Bochum beendete er mit einer Arbeit zu Positionierungsstrategien im queerfeministischem Hiphop. Das Bochumer Campusradio CT das radio und ein Praktikum beim Magazin SZENE HAMBURG brachten ihn schon aber deutlich früher zum Musikjournalismus. Seitdem war er für das Deutschlandradio,, die Campuscharts und weitere Medien als Autor, Redakteur und Moderator tätig. Benedict Weskott discovered his love for music and the conversations about it at an early age. He finished his master's degree in social science in Bochum with a thesis on positioning strategies in queer-feminist hip-hop. Bochum's campus radio CT das radio and an internship at the magazine SZENE HAMBURG sparked his interest in music journalism much earlier already. Since then he has worked for Deutschlandradio,, Campuscharts and other media as an author, editor and host. / Foto: Tim Schablitzki

Benedict Weskott

Benedict Weskott discovered his love for music and the conversations about it at an early age. He finished his master's degree in social science in Bochum with a thesis on positioning strategies in queer-feminist hip-hop. Bochum's campus radio CT das radio and an internship at the magazine SZENE HAMBURG sparked his interest in music journalism much earlier already. Since then he has worked for Deutschlandradio,, Campuscharts and other media as an author, editor and host.

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Daniel Ibald Daniel Ibald liebt Musik, Hunde und Gin Tonic. Bis er herausgefunden hat wie man diese Dinge zu einem Broterwerb kombiniert, pendelt er als Redakteur zwischen Web und Fernsehen. Wer ihn nerven will, fragt beim Auflegen einfach nach Deutschrap. Wer ihn genervt hat, muss entweder sehr schnell laufen oder sehr lecker kochen können.

Daniel Ibald

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Philipp Kressmann Philipp Kressmann lebt in Köln und ist freier Mitarbeiter beim WDR, wo er vor allem als Reporter für die Radiosendung 1LIVE Plan B tätig ist. Während seines Germanistik- und Philosophie-Studiums hat er hat den Musikjournalismus beim Campusradio für sich entdeckt. Nebenbei schrieb er u.a. für auftouren und kulturnews, 2016 folgte freie Mitarbeit bei der SPEX (zu deren Analog-Zeiten)

Philipp Kressmann

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Jörn Elling Wuttke runs together with Roman Flügel the label „Alter Ego Recordings“. He Is working since 30 years as a freelancing music producer, dj and songwriter in Frankfurt. His most popular projects in the past are „Alter Ego“, „Sensorama“ and „Acid Jesus“. He co-founded 1990 the Labels Playhouse and Klang Elektronik. Since 20 years, he is a club member of the „Robert Johnson Club“ in Offenbach. At the time he is producing a new album on his own, optimizing musicproductions as a mastering-engineer, hosting a club night at the Darmstadt based club „806 qm“ and works as a lecturer and studio director at the HFG-Offenbach.

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Rolf Witteler

Rolf Witteler

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Ariana Zustra

Ariana Zustra

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Sonja Matuszczyk Author

Sonja Matuszczyk

Sonja Ella Matuszczyk is from Bonn and loathes everything carnival-related. Naively, that's why she exchanged the Rhineland for Berlin at the age of 18. There she went on studying a range of humanities with initial dedicated zeal. Less zealously, she tries to finish off her degree. Writing on pop and club culture, however, is a way more interesting endeavor. She's a regular contributor for Spex, Groove and Missy Magazin, amongst others.

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Hochgesand Author


Stefan Hochgesand has studied comparative literature, philosophy and mass media communication in Mainz and Lyon, supported by the prestigious German Academic Scholarship Foundation. He has worked for television (3sat Kulturzeit, 3sat Scobel, Arte Journal in Paris) and magazines like Siegessäule and Philsophie Magazin. Currently, he writes for the nationwide daily taz, Musikexpress and the queer movie website Sissy. He is an editor for the music section of Berlin-based urban culture magazines tip Berlin and Zitty. Stefan is particularly fascinated by the political, especially queer dimension of pop

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Benjamin Weber Benjamin Weber - ein Mann biblischen Ausmaßes. Auch für Agnostiker interessant.

Benjamin Weber

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Kieran Kaul Author

Kieran Kaul

Kieran Kaul is a DJ, musician, event organizer and student of the academy of media arts cologne and the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf. He is a co-founder of the music label SPA Recordings and organizer at the soyya room, a multi-functional off space for contemporary arts and long party nights. Since many years he's djing and an active member of the nightlife under his aliases DJ Brom, France 98 and others.

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Pablo Castoldi Author

Pablo Castoldi

Pablo Castoldi

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Steffen Greiner Author

Steffen Greiner

Steffen Greiner lives in Berlin as an freelance author, cultural journalist and lecturer. He is editor-in-chief of Die Epilog, a magazine for contemporary culture and involved in many projects - of which some even find a closing, like his debut between novel and nonfiction, written as a collective with Jennifer Beck, Fabian Ebeling and Mads Pankow, "Liebe, Körper, Wut und Nazis" will be out in 2020. Photo: Julia Grüßing

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Laura Aha Author

Laura Aha

Laura Aha, born 1990, lives in Berlin as a journalist and author and works on electronic music, club culture and feminism. She is an editor at magazines Groove and Nicetry.

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Jenny Beck Author

Jenny Beck

Jennifer Beck did study cultural studies and creative writing in Leipzig, so she doesn't earn any money but keeps getting invited to panels on her own cost. She served five years as an editor with SPEX, her focus being on music and feminism. Now, she works as an editor with Missy Magazine and co-leads the editorial staff of magazine Die Epilog. She lives alone with a double bed in a co-operative flat and writes something like a so-called first book.

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Kristof KuensslerMcIlwain

Kristof KuensslerMcIlwain

Kristof Künssler-McIlwain ist 1980 in Sömmerda, Bezirk Erfurt geboren. Heute lebt er in Berlin, hat in einer handvoll Bands gespielt, und schreibt gelegentlich zu Pop- und Subkultur in verschiedenen Veröffentlichungen. Zuletzt war einer von dutzenden AutorInnen, die zu "These Girls" (Dezember 2019, Ventil Verlag) beigetragen haben. Kristof Künssler-McIlwain was born in 1980 in a dull East German town. He now resides in Berlin, has played in various bands, and happens to write about pop and subculture.

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Rosalie Ernst

Rosalie Ernst

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Natalie Mayroth

Natalie Mayroth

Natalie Mayroth is a German-Iranian journalist who divides her time between Mumbai and Berlin. Once she studied Cultural Studies in Munich, worked for the digital society conference re:publica in Berlin and has been a blogger. Since 2017 she is contributing from India, covering topics from culture to politics.

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Christoph Jacke Author

Christoph Jacke

Dr. Christoph Jacke is Professor of Theory, Aesthetics and History of Popular Music and Director of the BA and MA programme in Popular Music and Media at the Department of Music at Paderborn University, Germany. Chair of the German/Austrian/Swiss branch of the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM D-A-CH, since 2016), has been writing as a journalist for - amongst others - Spex, Testcard, De:Bug, Intro, Frankfurter Rundschau, Die Aufhebung, Gig, Rolling Stone. Homepage:

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Aditi Veena Author

Aditi Veena

Aditi Veena alias Ditty is an Indian artist currently based in Goa, India. She spends some of her time working as an urban ecologist and a lot of her music is inspired by the natural world. Her debut album Poetry Ceylon, released 03 June 2019 and has been called the debut album of the year by India Today. / @heyyditty

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Stefanie Roenneke Author

Stefanie Roenneke

Stefanie Roenneke works as a freelance writer and editor. She is also a lecturer. Her predilections are literature, pop culture and contemporary aesthetics. She also loves, very old-fashioned, magazines. Besides publications on, Spex and a few anthologies, her book "Camp als Konzept. Aesthetics, Pop Culture, Queerness" was published in 2017. She also takes care of Waahr, an online archive for literary journalism, and now and then the blog Minusvisionen.

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Diana Ringelsiep

Diana Ringelsiep

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Philipp Meinert Author

Philipp Meinert

Philipp Meinert, vorn 1983 in Gladbeck, now living in Berlin. Punkfan.

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Juliane Liebert Kuratorin

Juliane Liebert

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Laurence Wasser Author

Laurence Wasser

Laurence Wasser is a musician/artist currently living between different cities. While still not fixed on where he should stay, he lately felt a sunbath could be a good idea. His interests run from experimental/popular music to photography and film. When he's not making music, he runs the DIY label Atomic Bongos and takes surf lessons. Pros: Hard working and enthousiastic. Cons: Always on the move, sometimes unreliable

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Till Wilhelm Author

Till Wilhelm

Till Wilhelm documents the world of music by photographing and writing for the ones like KAPUT, Das Wetter, ALL GOOD, HHV Mag and He is easy to find when you search for him.

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George Boskamp Author

George Boskamp

George was in a former life a music journalist for print and tv media in Germany (specialized on downtempo music). These days he lives incognito on a balearic island and works as a dj, producer, remixer and percussionist.

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Mathis Raabe Author

Mathis Raabe

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Ministereo Aco Photographer

Ministereo Aco

Official kaput representative in Tokyo, Japan.

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Markus Koch Author

Markus Koch

Studied political science, tried to make it to the top of journalism via an internship at Stern, but dropped successful in the hands of a fanzine called Harakiri instead. Flirtet with the existence of an co-label-owner (oni.tor records) for some years, same to be said with band memberships and dj activities. Today Markus Köchle Koch is the creative director of a Stuttgart based company, raises two sweet girls and takes care of the Gram Parsons fan club Stuttgart West.

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Sari Schildt Author

Sari Schildt

Photographer and artist from Dortmund. In October 2020 she completed her Bachelor of Arts at the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld and continues her master´s degree. After almost 10 years, she moved from Berlin via Bielefeld back to the Ruhr area.

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Nikolai Schirrmeister Author

Nikolai Schirrmeister

is studying „Popular Music And Media“ in Paderborn, although you find him mostly on Twitter. Together with Yannick Wilmsen, he is responsible for the „Vorglühen“-Podcast. Still taking offers which city to go next, after his studies in Paderborn are finished.

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Julian Brimmers Author / Guest Editor

Julian Brimmers

Julian Brimmers is a writer, filmmaker, and translator from Cologne, Germany. His writing has been published in English and German by e.g. The Paris Review, Die Zeit, Spiegel Online, The Creative Independent, Bandcamp Daily, and Passion of the Weiss. Between 2011 and 2018 Julian was an editor at Yadastar/Red Bull Music Academy. Alongside Benjamin Westermann he wrote, produced and co-directed the music documentary “We Almost Lost Bochum”. Julian is the host of the Spotify Originals podcast “Trauma Loveparade” and of “Calling in a Favour” on Photo: Carys Huws

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Vivian Host Author

Vivian Host

Vivian Host is a journalist, DJ/producer, radio host and party person who has been working in music (electronic and otherwise) for over half her life, telling stories about sound in a variety of mediums for Red Bull Music Academy, Native Instruments, VICE, XLR8R, URB, NPR and MTV, among others. As Star Eyes, she has DJed heavy bass music around the world as part of crews like Chaos Clan, Trouble & Bass, B.A.S.S. Kru and Eklektic. She produces and hosts the podcast Rave to the Grave, where she chops it up with the world's most interesting party people.

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Tobias Nagl Author

Tobias Nagl

Tobias Nagl is Professor of Film Studies and associated member of the Centre for the Study of Theory and Criticism at the University of Western Ontario (Canada). He worked as an editor at die tageszeitung; his journalistic writings appeared in SPEX, epd film, Jungle World, Berliner Zeitung.

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Pablo Schanton Author

Pablo Schanton

Pablo Schanton is a journalist, critic, and pop culture researcher, specializing in rock, pop, and electronic music. He is a lyricist, composer and sound artist. He was a programmer for international artists at the Morocco nightclub in the early '00s. He was the promoter of the Spanish translation of the books of the English critic Simon Reynolds. He works as an editor at Clarín newspaper, and is co-editor of the music section of Otra Parte site. Since 1998 he belongs to the group of musicians and DJs Agencia de Viajes, whose staging includes both the disco and the performance. In 2017, with Alejandro Ros, he made the olfactory-sound installation "Perfumancia" for the Arco fair in Spain. He created and directed the relational piece "Cerca", also together with Ros, which was nominated for best olfactory work of the year by the Arts and Olfaction Institute of Los Angeles.

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Melanie Gollin Author

Melanie Gollin

Melanie Gollin is idealistic at heart. She believes in a future, where every cultural creator can live off what they do. As a music journalist, editor and host, she’s working towards a tomorrow that values art more than it values money.

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Alena Struzh Author

Alena Struzh

A music journalist and editor, Alena has worked for prestigious media houses like German Rolling Stone and Deutschlandradio, is currently studying politics and literature and generally an all-around mind-blowing person. Ask her about her lemon pasta recipe, if you ever get the chance.

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Claus Bachor Author

Claus Bachor

PSYCHO THRILL Cologne-founder CLAUS BACHOR is one of the German long-term House and Techno DJs at all. His sets can range from classic Disco & old school House classics all the way to the darkest, bangin' techno that you've ever heard!"

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Kalle Kummer Author

Kalle Kummer

Kalle Kummer is a composer, musician and performer. Great love for language as well. Born and youth spend near Nuremberg, then in Leipzig for a long time, right now in Bochum. Folkwang UdK Master of Popular Music, University of Leipzig (Musicology+German language and literature+philosophy)

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Dirk Boehme Author

Dirk Boehme

Dirk Böhme is the presenter of the popular radio show "Verstärker" at ByteFM. For Kaput he mainly writes about films.

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Scott Monteith Author

Scott Monteith

Scott Monteith, an adopted Berliner who has been releasing under the name Deadbeat his own special blend of dub laden, minimal electronics since 2000 for labels such as Cynosure, Intr_version, Revolver, and Scape. Scott contributes the "The Caustic Window" column to kaput. Photo: Kieran Behan

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An Paenhuysen Author

An Paenhuysen

An Paenhuysen is an author and curator based in Berlin. She blogs about art and teaches art writing at Node Center for Curatorial Studies.

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Rebecca Spilker Geistreiche Fußfetisch-Storys

Rebecca Spilker

Rebecca Spilker, born Soltau; 1968. Made music, is listening to music. Author for Konkret, taz, Musikexpress, Kaput – Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop ... ... is working on a book... Flaneuse and dedicated wine drinker. Friend, daughter, mother, lover.

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Vittoria de Franchis Author

Vittoria de Franchis

Vittoria de Franchis is a curator and author based in Milan. Her practice develops at the intersection between contemporary art, music and writing, with a particular interest in creating performative and imaginative open-source narrative spaces.

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Alexandra Wehrmann Author

Alexandra Wehrmann

Alexandra Wehrmann ist Journalistin und arbeitet für diverse Medien. Auf ihrem Düsseldorf-Blog theycallitkleinparis stellt sie seit 2016 Menschen vor, die ihren wie auch immer gearteten Teil zum städtischen Leben beitragen. 2021 erschien das Buch "Oberbilk. Hinterm Bahnhof", das sie gemeinsam mit Markus Luigs herausgegeben hat - und das mittlerweile vergriffen ist. Für 2022 (okay, vielleicht auch 2023) ist ein zweites Buch geplant, das nichts mit Oberbilk zu tun hat. Neben ihrer journalistischen Arbeit betreibt Wehrmann gerne Stadtforschung und organisiert regelmäßig Rundgänge zu den eher unscheinbaren Ecken von Düsseldorf.

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Patrick Kokoszynski Autor

Patrick Kokoszynski

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Thorsten Kraemer

Thorsten Kraemer

Thorsten Krämer has been publishing books for 25 years. As a retired pop writer, he has recently been cooperating more and more with visual artists and works with various media. Recent publications: "Schwankungen der Füllhöhe" (poems, Elif 2020), "Meine Büchnerpreisreden" (prose, 2022). On Kaput, we mirror his book column bungakushitsu with irregular regularity.

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Nadina Nadarevic Quereinsteigerin die alle überholt hat

Nadina Nadarevic

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Julia Pustet Schreib irgendwas mit magisch

Julia Pustet

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Jens Balkenborg

Jens Balkenborg

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Justus Sartorius

Justus Sartorius

Studiert aktuell Deutsche Sprache/ Literatur und Philosophie an der Universität zu Köln. Seit 2024 betreibt er mit Lennart Brauwers den Newsletter „Flackern und Rauschen“, wo jeden Freitag eine Filmkritik erscheint. Justus setzt sich nicht nur mit Kunst, Literatur und Film, sondern auch mit politischen Themen auseinander.

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Christian Horn Von früher

Christian Horn

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Thomas Bläsen Author

Thomas Bläsen

Lives in Cologne since the winter of 1999/2000. Came for an internship at a city magazine, wanted to go to Hamburg for his beloved HSV, stuck to the Rhine for more than one degree and because of dear people. Thomas still lives in Cologne, works freelance, makes music, writes and takes photographs. He has studied media cultural studies, African languages (in Cologne), political science and comparative literature (in Bonn), and is currently training as a translator. Thomas hates writing about himself in the third person, but is only now realizing it. He has also written more than enough for radio stations and print media in Cologne and the surrounding area (and beyond) and is happy about passion projects such as writing for Kaput magazine or running a small home studio including a bandcamp-diy-label for electronic music on the www.)

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Charlotte Bendiksen Author

Charlotte Bendiksen

The northern ambassador of distant intimacy. Charlotte likes dogs, Jacuzzis, riding a bike, , bålkos, å få napp, her own oceans of emotions, hummus, Rhabarbersaftschorle, free WiFi, Mezcal, dark days and dark nights, talking fast, dancing slow, serious shit, funny shit, singing, getting dirty, staying away, getting close, going hard, being active, being passive, being together, being there, getting it all. Charlotte is a DJ, a producer, and a positive thinker, she spent the last years exploring music, people, life and places. Photo by Skjermbilde.

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Fabian Ebeling Author

Fabian Ebeling

Fabian Ebeling is a freelance writer, lecturer and Media Cultural scholar. His dissertation is on smart cities. He completed a journalistic traineeship at Kulturaustausch – Journal for International Perspectives and was editor in chief as well as publisher for Die Epilog – Journal on Contemporary Culture. Among other media, Fabian writes book reviews for taz and about other things he’s interested in. Photo: Stephan Cleef

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JanosJanurik Author


Janos Janurik was born in Hungary in 1974. Music has been his hobby since he was 15. He studied German in Hungary. He wrote his first article in the early 2000s during his community service. As a freelancer, he worked for major record labels such as EMI, Virgin, Universal and independent labels such as Mute Records, Very Records, tapete records, etc. Janos Janurik publishes regularly in three languages ​​on (German), on Side-Line (English) and on ZeneForum (Hungarian). He has lived in Austria with his family since 2013. He collects records and CDs and enjoys going to concerts. He is in close contact with some of his musical heroes. Traveling makes him happy, he is a big fan of Italy and Spain - cuisine, country and people.

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Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop | Aquinostrasse 1 | Zweites Hinterhaus, 50670 Köln | Germany
Herausgeber & Chefredaktion:
Thomas Venker & Linus Volkmann
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Kaput - Magazin für Insolvenz & Pop
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